
Why isn't descaler coming out of the coffee spout?

31 January 2025
Why isn't descaler coming out of the coffee spout?
Does it surprise you too? You are descaling your coffee machine and the descaling solution almost only comes out of the steam nozzle or hot water spout. Shouldn't the descaler come out of the coffee outlet of your machine? We answer this frequently asked question.

Did you know that regular descaling of your coffee machine is important?

By descaling your machine regularly, you remove the limescale that builds up in your machine. Limescape deposits reduce the performance of your coffee machine because it takes longer for water to heat up, in addition, limescale can lead to blockages and ultimately to a malfunctioning coffee machine. We recommend descaling at least every month with Eccellente Descaler or whenever your coffee machine indicates.


Descaler removes limescale inside your coffee machine

During a descaling cycle, you fill the water tank with the descaling solution, supplemented with water. When a descaling programme is carried out, your coffee machine will release this solution in stages, mainly through the steam nozzle or hot water spout. In between releasing the solution, the descaler works in your machine to remove limescale deposits and make the pipes and internal parts in your machine limescale-free again. Therefore, limescale build-up mainly takes place in your machine and less at the coffee spout. This is why very little descaling solution comes out through the coffee spout and mainly through the steam nozzle or hot water spout.