
Descaling a Nespresso

28 July 2021
Descaling a NESPRESSO is quite simple! I will explain it in three simple steps

Buy Nespresso descaler: Eccellente Nespresso Descaler

1) Turn on the machine and remove all capsules and empty the drip tray. Place a large bowl under the coffee outlet, fill the water tank with 500ml water and a bottle of Eccellente descaler for Nespresso.

Activate the descaling mode by pressing the two buttons at the same time for 3 seconds. The light will start flashing, now press the Lungo button to start. The descaling solution will flow through the machine.

2) Repeat this by adding the descaling solution in the tank and press the Lungo button.

3) Emtpy and rinse the water tank. Refill it with fresh water and press the Lungo button again. The machine will now rinse through

Press the two buttons again to exit the descaling mode.

This manual is written for a Nespresso Citiz but applies also for other Nespresso machines (such as: Nespresso U, Kichen Aid, Gan Maestria, Maestria, Lattisima Premium, Lattisima+, Lattisima, Cube, Nespresso Citiz, Nespresso Pixie, Nespresso Essenza, Nepsresso Innisia)